The Difference / A Diferença

A man once asked a young girl if she was converted. She told him that she was.

"I suppose ," the man continued, "that you were a sinner before you were converted."

"Yes, I was," she agreed. "Well then, are you still a sinner," he said. She nodded." Yes, I am."

What's the difference?" the man demanded. After a brife moment of thought the girl said,

"Before I converted to Christ, I was a sinner running after sin,
Now I am a sinner running away from sin." 
Um homem perguntou certa vez uma jovem se ela era convertida. Ela disse-lhe que ela era.

"Eu acho", continuou o homem, "que você era uma pecadora antes de você se converter."

"Sim, eu era", ela concordou. "Então, você ainda está uma pecadora", disse ele. Ela disse, "Sim, eu sou."

Qual é a diferença? "O homem perguntou. Depois de um longo momento de pensamento a menina disse:

"Antes que me converti a Cristo, eu era uma pecadora correndo atrás de pecado,  

Agora eu sou uma pecadora fugindo do pecado. "

My Name on Psalms 119

And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts. v.45
Near thou art, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth. v.151** 
Never take your word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in your laws. v. 43*
All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me. v.86

Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. v.2 
And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved. v.47 
Zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. v.139 
At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments. v.62 
Never will I forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.v.93**


This is an idea I got from the Young Disciples Magazine.

* Taken from New International Version. All others from King James Version.
** I had to switch some words to start with N, but the meaning is still the same.

Saved Twice / Duas Vezes Salvo

My neighbors raise chickens. One of their chickens has a very special story. One day they were driving on a road and they saw something white on the road side. When they got closer they noticed it was a white chicken that had fallen from a truck who was probably taking chickens to be killed. They took the chicken home and took care of her. They named her Nugget.

One day, after a few months. Both our family and our neighbors went out for the afternoon. When we all came back, we couldn't find Nugget anywhere and we noticed a lot of white feathers on the ground and even some blood. We thought, maybe one of the neighbors dogs had killed her. So everybody got very sad.

Then, everyone started looking for Nugget in the yard hoping we could still find her body. All of a sudden, my friends father came back holding Nugget in his arms. She was all hurt and bleeding, but she was alive.

They gave her some medicine, but everyone thought she was going to die soon. After a few days, Nugget got better and better and now she is fine.

When we tell Nugget's story everyone is impressed, because even though she was born to die, twice now her life has been saved. Even though Nugget is a weak chicken, she is brave and doesn't want to die. We should all be brave like Nugget, the chicken who will never become chicken nuggets.

Meus vizinhos criam galinhas. Uma de suas galinhas tem uma história muito especial. Um dia, eles estavam dirigindo em uma estrada e viram uma coisa branca do lado da estrada. Quando eles se aproximaram perceberam que era uma galinha branca que tinha caído de um caminhão que provavelmente estava levando galinhas para serem mortas. Eles levaram a galinha para casa e cuidaram dela. Eles chamaram ela de Nugget.Um dia, depois de alguns meses. Nossa família e nossos vizinhos saímos a tarde. Quando voltamos , não conseguíamos encontrar a Nugget e percebemos um monte de penas brancas no chão e até mesmo um pouco de sangue. Pensamos que talvez um dos cachorros dos vizinhos tinha matado ela. Todo mundo ficou muito triste.Então, começamos a procurar a Nugget no quintal esperando que ainda poderíamos encontrar seu corpo. De repente, o pai do nosso vizinho voltou segurando Nugget em seus braços. Ela estava toda machucada e sangrando, mas ela estava viva.Eles deram um remédio para ela, mas todo mundo pensava que ela logo ia morrer. Depois de alguns dias, a Nugget começou a melhorar e melhorar e agora ela está bem.Quando contamos a historia da Nugget todo mundo fica muito impressionado, porque mesmo que ela tenha nascido para morrer, duas vezes a sua vida foi salva. Mesmo que a Nugget seja uma galinha fraca, ela é corajosa e não quer morrer. Todos nós devemos ser corajosos como a Nugget, a galinha que nunca vai ser nuggets de frango.

The Tithe and the Bicycle / O Dízimo e a Bicicleta


Last year I was saving money to buy a bicycle. I already had $80 reais (Brazilian money) but I needed to return tithes and offerings, I didn't feel like returning it, because I would not have enough money to buy my bicycle soon.

One Friday afternoon, after worship I was talking to my father and he told me we should return the tithes and offerings with joy, and that God is able to give us want we want if it is His will. I thought about my money. I asked him how much was 10% of $80 reais and he said it was $8 reais, but I still needed to give the offering.

When I was laying in bed that night I thought about it for a long time and I told myself I was going to return the tithe and offerings with joy in my heart. On the next day, we went to church and when the offering plate passed by me, I gave $20 reais - $8 for tithe and $12 for offerings. I felt very happy giving my tithes to God.

After worship we went to a bother’s house for potluck. When we got there his granddaughters arrived with their bikes and there was another smaller bike next to his car. I asked them: “Whose bike is that?” They answered: “Nobodies, my grandfather found it, he is going to give it away.”

Their grandfather found out we did not have a bicycle so he gave it to us. I began jumping for joy and told my mother: “Let’s take it, let’s take it!”  And when we went home my father took the bicycle and told me: “See, you decided to return the tithe and he gave you a bicycle on the same day!”

A few months later it was my birthday and guess what I got from my grandparents: A brand new bicycle, and it even had gears!

Some things are hard to do, but in the end they turn into joy. God’s plans are always better than ours.
Algum tempo atrás eu estava guardando dinheiro para comprar uma bicicleta. Eu já tinha $80 reais e precisava devolver o dízimo e as ofertas, mas eu não estava com vontade, porque se devolvesse não daria comprar minha bicicleta logo.

Numa sexta-feira à noite, depois do culto de por-do-sol eu estava conversando com meu pai, e ele me falou que nós precisamos devolver o dízimo com alegria, que Deus pode me dar o que eu quero ter se for da vontade dEle. Pensei em meu dinheiro. Perguntei para ele quanto era 10% de $80 reais. Ele me disse que era $8 reais, mas ainda tinha a oferta.

Quando eu estava deitada na cama pensei por um longo tempo sobre isso e falei para mim mesma que iria devolver o dízimo e as ofertas com muita alegria. No outro dia nós fomos para a igreja e quando a cestinha de oferta passou por mim, eu dei $20 reais, $8 de dízimo e $12 de oferta. E eu estava me sentindo muito feliz por ter devolvido o dízimo para Deus.

Depois do culto nós fomos almoçar na casa de um irmão da igreja. Quando agente chegou lá as netinhas dele chegaram lá com suas bicicletas e tinha uma bicicletinha do lado do carro dele. Perguntei: "De quem é essa bicicleta?" Elas responderam: "De ninguém, meu vô achou ela, e está aqui para dar para alguém."

O vô delas soube que nós não tínhamos bicicleta e ele falou que nós podíamos levar ela. Eu comecei a pular de alegria e falar para a mamãe: "Vamos levar, vamos levar!" E quando fomos embora o papai levou a bicicleta e me disse: "Viu só! Você resolveu devolver o dízimo e Deus lhe deu uma bicicleta no mesmo dia!".

Alguns meses depois, foi o meu aniversário e adivinha o que eu ganhei da vovó: Uma bicicleta grande, novinha, com marcha e tudo!

Algumas coisas são difíceis de se fazer, mas no final elas se transformam em alegria. Os planos de Deus são sempre melhores do que o nosso.